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GANCUBE Layer By Layer Guide

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Gancube Gancube
Gancube Gancube



Basic Algorithm

Solving Steps

1. Build a daisy

(4 white edges around yellow center)

Target: Gancube

*Put the white side at the bottom during solving.

2.Build a white cross

For each white edge, align the side color with the center color and rotate 180°.

(Take white blue edge as an example)

3.Solve the white layer

Move the corner to the below position and solve it.

(Take red, blue, white corner as an example)

4.Solve the middle layer

Find the non-yellow edge and align with the center color. Use one of the 2 algorithms below to solve it.

5.Build a yellow cross

There are 4 cases in this step, keep doing the algorithm until yellow cross is built.

6.Solve the yellow side

Place the yellow side on the bottom layer and then choose another side to face yourself (the red side is taken as an example). Rotate the bottom layer to make the lower right corner as shown below. Execute the algorithms below to solve it.

7.Solve the yellow corners

Find the corners with the same color on the side by turning the top layer, then rotate the cube to place that side on the bottom layer and the yellow side facing to yourself. Execute the algorithm till all the corners are placed correctly.

*If none of the corners are placed correctly, do the algorithm 1 time to look for the correct corner.

8.Solve the yellow edges (and the cube)

Put the solved side to the back, do the algorithm until the cube is solved.